Organizational Assessments and Policy

Let’s learn and grow together

Are you interested in creating the conditions where folks within your organization can thrive?

Are you interested in centring practices of anti-oppression that take into account historical and contemporary forms of harm?

Equity, diversity and inclusion have become buzzwords that hold little weight unless organizations and individuals within those organizations are willing to embark on a journey that will require long-term commitments to change. Systems change work is possible but requires organizations to slow down and try different processes that may differ from the culture that exists, i.e. breaking the status quo.

The work is not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it, so let connect and see how I can support you, below you will find the services that I offer;

Organizational Assessments and Policy SUpports

An organizational assessment is a consulting strategy that Yamikani has developed for groups that are ready to embark on a path of focused work to align their policies, practices, and culture with their social justice vision and values. It includes an anti-oppression audit of the organization, a report with written recommendations and implementation strategies, and facilitated sessions for education and strategizing to move forward.

When conducting organizational assessments and audits, I have a team of consultants that I work with around evaluation, coaching , executive leadership supports and more.

The timeframe for effective audits/ Assessments generally run anywhere from four months to one year.